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Here at RMA Wellness we believe that Xeomin is the best neurotoxin option for any related treatment. Xeomin is a prescription medication that blocks the release of chemicals that allow muscle to contract. 


We trust Xeomin as it is a double filtered medication that removes the complex and unnecessary proteins that don’t play an active role in treatment. This helps to prevent treatment resistance and other immune induced side effects, like increased swelling and redness, secondary to the bodies natural antibody response.

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Smiling in Mirror
Two Women

Wrinkle Relaxer 


Lip Flip


This treatment diminishes signs of aging by softening fine lines and wrinkles, making your face look restored, refreshed, and natural. Primary treatment areas include forehead lines, frown lines, and crow’s feet, however numerous other treatment areas are available. 

Microtox is a technique that lifts and firms up the skin while decreasing pore size, reducing skin laxity, treating uneven texture, oily skin, sebum production, facial sweating, flushing/redness, rosacea, and more.  

A lip flip involves precise placement of neurotoxin targeting the upper lip muscle. The goal is to relax the muscles that connect to the upper lip. This relaxation causes a subtle upward rolling or "flip" of the lip, creating the appearance of a larger and more defined upper lip.  

This treatment results in the relaxation of overactive jaw muscles. Cosmetically this leads to a slimmer and more angular facial structure and therapeutically can help to reduce any associated tension, headaches and discomfort related to chronic teeth grinding. 

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